Tvzika CaSeiki shiatsu founder came to Lisbon, I'm learning his approach of shiatsu that make me growing in my shiatsu pratice. My and his english is basic and I just put like he said the things, I didn't wanted to change nothing but I think it's easily understandable.

Hi Tvzika, can you presente yourself?
Tvzika, I'm shiatsu terapist and teacher of what I do.
You are the founder of Seiki shiatsu , you do shiatsu for a very long time (42 years)
I want to ask you why do you continue shiatsu?
Tvzika: I love shiatsu and I love people. When you love people you want to share with them! And loving peolple by shiatsu is a very beautifull tool to express it, by treating peolple with many different problems so it’s completely synchronized. And it’s never boring because you meet a lot of different people and people suffuring for many things and it’s very beautiful to see how they recover and how they feel better. And it’s never the same, everybody is different so never boring so it's always interesting.
Q : You’ve learned different styles of shiatsu. Afterward, you created your own style, why?
There is a development, I started with Namikoshi shiatsu, the technique was very important, after I study Matsunaga style, it was a big shift, but it was not enought, then I went to tao shiatsu, began to teach, but, there is a place where you can do more. For exemple, the way oriental medecine speak about negative energy (JAKI) they try to balance the meridiens, and always I feeled that something was missing but I didm’t knew what.
And slowly slowly I start to do it, what I do now, Seiki shiatsu.
But I didn’t realised that it was different because when you treat people, or you teach students, you have to adapt yourself of the level of the students or your patient, adapt yourself to the other, adapt. I saw for exemple when all the time try to balance, you can much depper releasing the negativity, the negative, toxic from the people, from the patient, so you are all the time connect to négativy.
So, you are all the time connect to negatif, to connect with the negativity of the other you ‘ve to be connect with your own negativityn only then you can connect with the other. What I was slowly becaming darker, looking all the time where to fixe where to release negativity.
The first change it’s when I réalise that I didm’t want to treat negativity, because if you can t to treat it, it becomes bigger. So I said no, I will be focus on positivity. But it was the same!!!! because is too sides of the same problem. When you look for the negative, you’e ignoring the positif, when you’re all the time focus to the positive, you’re ignoring the negative.
I found a place, that can contain the patient, the Seiki energie. Everybody has the healing énergie, just awaking the healing energie of the patient, and the patient heal himself. This is the most important thing. because if you want to release negativity or balance negative and positive, it’s endless.
The people can go outside the traitement balanced, positive, but there is negativity all the time in the life, people in the transit, cut yourself etc.. and you feel angry. but if you awaken this potential on the patient , to he heal himself con-scienly and subconscienly, so it’s great, everything is much more effectif and fast, and they don’t need to come back.
So the patient don’t depend on you. It's help them to realise the power they have.
Q: The shiatsu can cure everything?
I have patient with all kind of symptoms, cancer, mental problems, all kind of problem, orthopedics problems, neck…I don’t thing the patient have a limit of healing himself , since I begam shiatsu it’s become deeper and deeper but, I can’t never say 100% to be honest. There is sometimes cases the patient not recovering.
Q: what will you say to someone who tell you: "I don’t believe in énergie."
Don’t believe, don’t believe.
Some people, which you speak about energie, Seiki énergie believe you’e talking about something mistical and yes, I understand because many of therapist are spirituals new-âge so I understand this people that they doubt about it.
Q; But you work with energie.
Of course, but everybody work with energie, give me one work that not working with énergie. you thing that to clean the street it’s made without énergie?
the way we do our job, with the heart or with anger, is energy.
Seiki is primate énergie, there are few ways to understand this, philosaphical way that it’s containing and accepting yourself, so when you accept yourself and containing your positivity and negativity, we have both, if we accept we don’t juge, we don’t criticism other side every time, so when I accept myself, I can accept you, as you are. This is basic when you treat people or when you are in relation with other person, you contain yourself you contain the other person, and then , when I treat I don’t juge people, that is négatif that is positif, no, I just awaking healing energie and that is Seiki, It’s a live energy.